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How I've Voted

This page provides a summary of votes I have taken and want to highlight, not a complete record. Please let me know what you think!

My Votes: Text

January 19, 2022

Resolution: Board action to approve a permit to the Met Council related to Southwest LRT

Amendments: MPRB to negotiate a payment by the Met Council to the MPRB that would recognize parkland and park use disruption.

My vote on the amendment:  Yes

Outcome:                                          Failed

My vote on the resolution:       No

Outcome:                                           Failed (permit not approved)

My thinking on this: The case for partnership with the Met Council and therefore approval is strong, especially since this project is well-underway but there is no question the impact of the project is greater than was anticipated. I support issuance of the permit to include the payment amendment.

Resolution: Planning Committee action to approve Painter Park Phase 1 concept plan & advance into design

Amendments: None, although one was teed up that would have eliminated space for tennis and increased the basketball hoop count from 3 to 5.

My vote on the amendment:  N/A but I would not have supported

Outcome:                                         N/A

My vote on the resolution:      Yes

Outcome:                                          Passed (project goes to the Board for approval)

My thinking on this: It’s a great project that the neighborhood is excited about. There was a very thorough public process that went the extra mile to seek out diverse constituencies and develop a very inclusive concept.

My Votes: Text

January 3, 2022

Subject: Elect Board President

Nominees: Commissioner Forney

How I voted: Forney

Outcome of Vote: Forney elected as Board President

Rationale: Although Commissioner Forney was the sole nominee, she was my preferred choice for this role based on her years of service and commitment to the future of our parks.

Subject: Elect Board Vice-President

Nominees: Commissioners Olsen, Smith, or Thompson

How I voted: Thompson

Outcome of Vote: Smith elected as Board Vice-President

Rationale: As representative for District 2 (North Minneapolis) Commissioner Thompson, would bring representation of her district to the leadership level of the board.

Subject: Elect MPRB Commissioner to the City Planning Commission

Nominees: Commissioner Alper

How I voted: Alper

Outcome of Vote: Alper elected to the commission

Rationale:  Although Commissioner Alper was the sole nominee, her professional background is a very good fit for this commission.

Subject: Elect MPRB Commissioner to the Board of Estimate & Taxation

Nominees: Commissioners Forney or Menz

How I voted: Menz

Outcome of Vote: Menz elected to the BET

Rationale:  Commissioner Menz will bring outside questions and perspective at a time of new leadership at the BET.

My Votes: Text
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